Mama, It's Time to Rise Up




You know what I wish? 

I wish the cultural norm of families doing life apart from each other was no longer the norm. 

Think about it. 

Families are so used to living most of their daylight hours away from their households that when the pandemic originally hit, parents legit panicked at the thought of being with their kids and spouse all day.

Now, I’m not saying we shouldn’t ever be apart. Distance is a good thing. Breaks are a good thing. We all need the chance to miss each other regularly. 

But, if you think about the normal American life, a typical household spends just their early mornings and evenings with each other and that’s it. A few hours a day. We spend more time at work and school than we do in our own homes and with our families.  


I don’t think that was a part of God’s original design! 

This doesn’t mean we all need to work from home and homeschool our kids. Everyone’s calling is different. 

But, I do wish we could re-write the narrative of how society does things to allow us a healthier lifestyle with MORE time with our families regularly. I wish all schools were hybrids of homeschooling and in-person learning. I wish all jobs were more flexible and allowed for more time at home. I wish the 40 hour workweek was reduced. 

I wish we would all learn to LOVE being with our families REGULARLY instead of panicking at the very thought. 

We may not be able to change societies norms right now, but I do believe in this season, God is changing things. He’s called us home to our families. He’s re-grounding us. He’s showing us how we’ve been getting it backwards all along. He’s showing us how prioritizing career and personal gains over family is NOT His calling for us. 

Now it’s time for us to respond to His re-grounding and calling. It’s time for us to RISE UP as mothers and show this world that we CAN do life with our families the majority of the time WHILE doing good work for the world and love doing it. It’s time for us to show this world that God’s design is the best design. 

I want you to ask yourself this question: What would happen if it became the norm for mothers to love being with their kids? I mean, like, full time being with their kids. What if that were the norm? What if the cultural norm of doing life apart from our children and even our spouses more often than we’re together was completely changed? What do you think that world would look like? 

We answer these questions and more in this episode of the Mission Motherhood Podcast. We dive deep into what God is really communicating to us during these unprecedented times and how we, as mothers and believers, can use this opportunity to show the world that THIS is how we are supposed to do life: WITH our families MORE that we are APART from them.


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