How to Stop Doing All The Things




Feel like you’re constantly doing all the things? This one’s for you.

Who invented that phrase, anyway?

You know. “Doing all the things.”

That one.

Who invented it?

I’d vouch to say it was probably moms because we are the ones who are notorious for feeling like we have to do all the things and do them all at the same time.


That’s the only way to get everything done as a mom, right? Just push through and do as many things as possible, right? You know, the laundry, the dishes, help with homework, schedule dentist appointments, and answer emails all at the same time? Right?

Actually, I call baloney.

I think that sounds like a recipe for disaster

Would you agree? I mean, when has doing all the things turned out well for you? if you can actually think of a time, then maybe you’re not human. The rest of us, however, I’m sure would like to combat the overwhelm and stress that come from trying to do all the things all the time.

So how do we stop?

In this episode of the Mission Motherhood Podcast, I’m teaching you three steps you can take to stop doing all the things once and for all. Yes, just three steps. Listen and learn, my friend.

In this episode you’ll learn how to:

  • Surrender your priorities to the Lord and take His lead as to how you should conquer them strategically and intentionally.

  • Re-frame your mindset around your priorities so that you can stop believing the lie that everything is on you.

  • Re-structure how you tackle your tasks in a way that alleviates stress and pressure while allowing you to get things done.

Featured in today's episode: Things They Love

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