Why I'm Tired of Mom-Guilt (and why you should be, too)

I have an issue with mom guilt. ⠀

As in, I'm really tired of it. Who created this concept anyway? ⠀

I honestly feel like we tend to have mom guilt about EVERYTHING. Working or not working, screen time or no screen time, breast or bottle, dividing attention between kids....the list goes on. ⠀

There are a lot of feelings we can have about those things, but guilt shouldn't be one of them.⠀

Why? ⠀

1) Guilt does us no good. It's just damaging to us mentally. ⠀

2) We have NO REASON to feel guilty. We didn't commit a crime. We are just doing our best to raise our babies as intentionally as we can. Perfection doesn't exist, so stop trying to aim for it.⠀

3) The things we are feeling guilty about are fabricated in our minds and are in no way, shape or form what our babies are actually thinking of us. We are the apple of their eye, their entire world, and as long as they feel loved, safe, protected and nourished, they're good. ⠀

I get it, though. The feelings are real. But, we have the power to say no to those thoughts that control our feelings and replace them with the actual truth. ⠀

Here’s some truths for you: ⠀

If you're a working mom - you are not leaving your kids, you are PROVIDING for them and showing them an example of hard work and pursuit of your dream ⠀

If you're a stay at home mom - you are not JUST a stay at home mom - you're on the battlefield God placed you in. This is YOUR career. Your job just happens to be at home. ⠀

If you're breastfeeding - YOU ARE FEEDING YOUR BABY. Let any and all guilt go. ⠀

If you're bottle-feeding - YOU ARE FEEDING YOUR BABY. Let any and all guilt go. ⠀

If you took time for yourself - you're teaching your babes boundaries and the importance of prioritizing yourself. You're practicing what you preach.⠀

It's time to let go of the mom guilt. We can change the tone of mom culture and replace the guilt-ridden-story with the mothers-who-feel-empowered-in-their-truth-story. ⠀

Will you join me? ⠀

What guilt will you commit to replacing with truth this week? Leave a comment so I can cheer you on.


Let's Stop Making Overwhelmed, Exhausted Motherhood The Norm


Hate routines but tired of the chaos? Read this.