Let's Stop Making Overwhelmed, Exhausted Motherhood The Norm

I’ve been thinking lately. Why do us moms feel so guilty for saying yes to ourselves? Do we think we get some sort of “mom-badge” for being constantly overwhelmed, burned out, and mentally exhausted? ⠀

Do we think we’re better moms the more we run around in circles with our hair on fire?⠀

Yes, motherhood is hard. And yes, it can be messy and exhausting. ⠀

But, I’d like to flip the script for a minute here. ⠀


I think mom-culture has convinced us that messy, overwhelmed, exhausted motherhood is the only way to do motherhood.⠀

If there’s a mom out there that seems to be, dare I say, relaxed, we think, “good for her,” or “that must be nice” while we secretly roll our eyes and think she must have hired help because there’s no way a “real mom” who’s “doing it all” can actually have it somewhat together. ⠀

I say, we CAN do motherhood intentionally and well WITHOUT the overwhelm and mental exhaustion. ⠀

If you feel like there's not enough hours in the day, like you're running on E, you’re struggling to find balance, and you just can’t manage it all, you’re in the right place. ⠀

You want to do motherhood well. You want to be present for your kids, your spouse, your friends and yourself. You want to create space for what matters. You want to get off the motherhood hamster wheel and get back to the mission God placed on your heart. ⠀

We don’t have to buy into the overwhelmed mama culture anymore.

We can flip the script. We can do motherhood freely, intentionally, simply and JOYFULLY, which is exactly how God designed for it to be.


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Why I'm Tired of Mom-Guilt (and why you should be, too)