Girl, You Have Kingdom Work To Do



You are allowed to be more than one thing.

Whoa. Did I just blow your mind? I sure hope so. Because this is a myth that we need to bust like…yesterday.

We know that as complex human beings, we wear many hats. We know that. We are sisters, mothers, daughters, wives, friends, creators, inventors, servants, etc. This is true for everyone on this earth. Yet, due to false societal narratives we’ve been fed, as women, we believe that we can only be one thing. We believe we can only be a homemaker or a career woman. Believers tend to believe that they MUST be wives and mothers regardless of anything else they want to do. Scripture does not confirm this in the slightest, but there are many scriptures that have been taken out of context to make women believe that they do not have a place of leadership or authority in this society.

It’s time to re-write this narrative.

God has given you gifts, talents, and passions to do the work that He has called you to. Chances are, you are sitting on them and letting them atrophy because you have told yourself that there is no room for you, your gift, or your calling.

So often, we are waiting on God to move, when He has the one that has laid out the buffet table and He’s just waiting for us to step up, take a plate, and dive in.

In this episode, we will dive deeper into how you can re-write this narrative for yourself by letting go of fear and taking that first step toward that calling that is deep in your heart. Keep in mind, that taking this step will be uncomfortable. It will stretch you. It will ask you to stand up and fight for those who aren’t able to do it for themselves. He may use your gifts in ways you never expected to use them. You may have to learn how to advocate for yourself in ways you never have before.

Stepping into your calling will break generational curses, set people free, heal people, and more. This is bigger than you. This is BIGGER than you.

What step are you going to take today to step into your calling and let God use you the way He’s been wanting to use you for so long?

Tune into the episode Girl, You Have Kingdom Work To Do, at the links above or wherever you listen to your podcasts.


How to Get Clarity Around Your Calling


How to Kick Fear To The Curb For Good