How Can Christian Parents Raise Anti-racist Kids?

Anti-racism starts at home. 

Let me repeat that: anti-racism starts at home.

Anti-racist education must be a part of the discipleship of our children. The world changers we are raising must be a part of the dismantling of white supremacy.

This should be nonnegotiable as Kingdom builders, yet, I see the most amount of backlash around anti-racism from the Christian community and it’s honestly heartbreaking. As a Black woman, that backlash feels like a direct denial of not only my plight as a Black woman but my humanity as a Black woman. This is exactly why we say Black Lives Matter because the entire foundation of our country was built on the premise that Black lives do not matter.

I often receive backlash that sounds like this:

“We’re just supposed to love everyone. That’s what I’m teaching my children to do. All of this will cause division.” ⠀⠀⠀

Here’s the truth: we already live in a divided world.

We are called to be the light of the earth, and this is a large part of how we can do this. This isn’t division. This is equity. 

If you are raising privileged children by way of their race, ability, gender, and/or socioeconomic status, then it is your responsibility to teach them how to use that privilege to love others. 

Here are a few specific, impactful ways you can raise anti-racist children in your home:

Break racial stereotypes.

Teach your children that the typical stereotypes that are attached to communities of color are false and damaging. Teach your children to stand up and speak out when their peers are eliciting those stereotypes.

Teach your privilege.

Teach your children to recognize the privilege that was given to them by a system that was built to keep white humans in power and BIPOC humans marginalized. Teach your children to use that privilege to raise up their marginalized peers.

Teach them HOW to love.

Teach your children not just to love everyone, but HOW to love everyone, especially their marginalized peers. Teach them how to amplify BIPOC voices, how to protect them when they face racism, and how to stand up for them when no one is watching.

Dismantle white European beauty standards.

The standards that teach us that white, light, blonde, and blue are beautiful and dark, kinky, and brown are not must be dismantled. When our children see differences, they must be taught to see them as beautiful.

.Teach them that non-compliance does not equal death.

We disobey Jesus daily and He responds with love and grace as He corrects us. When police brutality happens, teach your children that it is WRONG, period. Avoid saying phrases like, "if he had just obeyed the law this wouldn't have happened."

Surround yourself with BIPOC in all you do.

Check your friend circles, your church community, your schools, your books, your media sources, your social media feeds, etc. Make it a priority to make your world look like what heaven looks like. Heaven is not segregated.

"In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven."

Matthew 5:16


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