Taking a Stand: The Church and The LGBTQ+ Community

I refuse to be silent. 

I will be that Christian. 

There is a long history of hatred, live burning, drowning, and torture of the LGBTQ+ community in the name of Jesus. In other words, the LGBTQ+ community has been (and continues to be) lynched by those who are supposed to be a light of love in this world.

Sound backward and absolutely disgusting to you? It should.

Considering that the Christian "M.O.", when confronted with issues of racism, discrimination, and inclusivity, is "ALL LIVES MATTER," the violence, hatred, discrimination, and oppression toward marginalized groups, especially the LGBTQ+ community, communicate the exact opposite. Just like the Christian community has pretty much failed in terms of fighting for racial justice (and are the ones that basically started the social construct of race and racism in this country and used religion to justify it), the church has completely failed in the affirmation of humanity if the LGBTQ+ community. 

Regardless of your theological beliefs, the mistreatment of, dehumanization of, violence against, and criminalization of the LGBTQ+ community is wrong. Period, point-blank. If you believe that you are allowed to harm, mistreat, discriminate against, and dehumanize the LGBTQ+ community based on your beliefs, then you are giving others permission to do the same in regard to what they believe are your wrongdoings. 

Puts a different spin on things, doesn’t it? 

In this space, we affirm the LGBTQ+ community. We stand with them in their fight for equal, human rights. We affirm their humanity. We love and serve them well. And we do so, proudly, as believers AND nonbelievers in Jesus Christ. ALL ARE WELCOME HERE. 

Just as you are free to believe what you want to believe and live your truth, so does every other person on this earth. Period.


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