How to Stop Pouring From an Empty Cup


You’re tired of running on empty.

Yet, you feel an immense amount of guilt when you want to fill your cup.

This is a common thing in motherhood. In fact, if you haven’t dealt with this, then I’m convinced that you aren’t human. (Which, is fine if you aren’t. I won’t tell anyone.)

For some reason, as mamas we believe that, in order to prove how good of a mother we are, we must make sure that everything and everyone is perfect before we dare do anything to take care of ourselves. This leaves us feeling depleted, frustrated, and resentful. Not only that, but we also have nothing left to pour from, and therefore we do our families a disservice instead of actually serving them.

Bottom line: we should have just went ahead and taken the break, am I right?

Episode 007 of the Mission Motherhood podcast is all about choosing to say no to fear and guilt so that you can choose to begin prioritizing making sure that your cup is filled and remains full.

And, we aren’t just talking about cliché self-care here.

In fact, we aren’t talking about cliché self-care at all.

We are talking about creating daily and weekly rhythms and practices to make sure that your spiritual, mental, and physical needs are met on a daily basis.

This means everything from spending time with The Lord to fueling your body with healthy foods. This means taking regular breaks from your kids and work to exercising with your kids to make sure there is no excuse when it comes to moving your body.

You must take care of you in order to take care of anyone else.

So, put the guilt aside. Stop trying to make things perfect. Your to-do list will never be 100% complete, so stop trying to achieve that impossible goal before you re-fuel.

After you get your mindset in the right space, it’s time to get strategic and get your family on board. We dive deep into how to actually do that in this episode of the Mission Motherhood podcast. Changing your mindset is a crucial first step, but it’s not the only step.


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